Sunday, October 4, 2009

MAS Fiestas!

This weekend we went out a little bit more than usual too! This picture on the left is me with Alex and Isabel at a place in Rio Piedras called Refugio, the picture above!!
Refugio is a little whole in the wall bar that a lot of the other international students and our other Puerto Rican friends go to all the time! I think this place is really interesting because of the atmosphere. It so laid-back and as you can see in the picture above it looks like a little house, made into a bar, and people pretty much buy drinks in there and then stand outside and drink in the street! And, somehow they get away with making their own drinks, "Chichaitos" (pronounced chee-chi-ito), and they pour them into glass pint bottles and sell them for $2 and people buy them and drink in the street with them. They are rum mixed with I have no idea what else potent! I actually found a blog about it here , its where I got the picture of the place too. Anyway Chicaito Sounds sketchy right?
I definitely dont drink chichaitos, dont worry! But those are very very popular around here. Other Puerto Rican "musts" as far as drinks include "Gasolinas" and Medallas (Med-I-yas)! Gasolina is a packaged and sold puerto rican alcoholic beverage with rum and fruit juice basically- but made and sold in little pouches that look exactly like a Capri Sun pouch! They seriously give these capri sun looking drinks to people in bars and thats weird to me too because they look like drinks for kids! Then, Medalla is the Puerto Rican beer here that everyone drinks because it is cheappp!! Less than a dollar at most places! It is OK beer- it tastes like a Natural Light really.

Anyways, thats just a little of Puerto Rican drink culture. Chichaitos, Medallas and Gasolinas.
Now, Friday night was the real Fiesta time. Our friend Christina (actually not in either of these pictures below) had her 23rd birthday Friday. So we celebrated at a Mexican Restaurant, Lupis, in Isla Verde. Here's the girls all dressed up, waiting at the bus stop! From the top left: Shanel and Angie. Bottom left: me, Isabel, Morgan and Kaitlin. There ended up bein more than 20 of us and we had a blast because we actually got to go out in a nicer area in Isla Verde. After the restaurant, we went to a place called Bed Lounge, which was all white sofas and lounge chairs. It was a lot of fun and we made our own dance party!

This picture below is me with Hubert and Cathy at dinner! Anyway, we had amazing time Friday and were very safe and all got cabs home together at the end of the night!

Now back to studying again... ;/