Saturday, August 29, 2009

Peace Demonstration in Avenida Universidad

Since the night of the violence on my street it has been clear that everyone at UPR is ready for the violence to be over and there to be more security on and around campus. In fact, I think it is very admirable and respectable how the entire student body has come together in this past week to iniate peaceful protests and conferences in order to promote change. The students are very active here in communicating their rights and needs for change. This issue of police brutality came to a peek moment last Thursday,or so it seems, and the students want it to stop immediately.

So, it was posted on campus and all over my dorms that this past Thursday there would be a peace demostration, where all students would wear white and come out to Rio Piedras for live music and commradery to show their support for peace between students and police force.

The night was definitely a success because tons of people showed up to demonstrate their support, plus the media pretty much covered the whole night. There were school chants and drums being played, and nothing got out of hand. My video posted at the top of this post shows the view from the balcony of a sports bar we were at watching the demonstration.