Wednesday, August 12, 2009

First Days of Class at UPR

Classes have officially started here at UPR-Rio Piedras! First, on Monday, I had Marketing Research, in which I was the only exchange student in that class. On Monday, I almost had a panic attack because I had so much trouble understanding my teacher! She showed up to class 25 minutes late, on her phone, with no syllabus or anything with her except her purse! It was not what I am used to I guess. She spoke so fast it made gave me a headache trying to translate, and especially because this is a business class I do not know the vocabulary for it as well as other classes. But, I had the same class again today and I was able to understand her the majority of the time, so I feel relieved…maybe it was just first class jitters!
On Tuesday, I had History of Puerto Rico with Treavor and another exchange student from Arizona. I understood the teacher so well because he spoke so clear and the vocabulary is easier for History I think too. The teacher also talked to us after class and wanted to know where we were from (because we pretty much stand out in a crowd of Puerto Ricans I guess!) and he told us if we ever don’t understand something to talk to him after class and he would be happy to help.
After that we had History of Hispanic America, which did not go well. I had this class with Treavor and the same girl again and none of us understood the teacher well. He had a deep deep, raspy voice---not good for trying to understand another language! So, it is still add/drop period so we are going to switch out of that class tomorrow I think.
Today I had that Marketing Research class again, and I had Marketing Strategy and Planning for the first time tonight. I was so happy that Marketing Strategy and Planning went well too! The teacher was very animated and easy to understand, and also he used power points, which made a huge difference because I could read what he was saying and take notes better!
Besides class, I have had too much to do this week to do anything fun or exciting yet. But, the university does offer SALSA CLASSES!!!! They start next Tuesday for the beginner classes and I am going to go with some other exchange students I met! Watch out for me on the next season of So You Think You Can Dance…